

Thursday, December 31, 2009

More blueberries

Back to the Blueberry Farm. This time we got 3 pints of raspberries, too.

Our yard

The Town of Charlotte
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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Dancer

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Volunteer Peter Rotherbach helps install a drip irrigation system at the Beeline roundabout Monday morning. Volunteers are making improvements to the roundabout, at the intersection of Highway 87 and Tyler Parkway, with the installation of 900 plants and 900 sprinkler heads to keep the new vegetation healthy. The ultimate goal is to place a statue of an elk in the roundabout, but funds are still needed, according to Bob Hibbert, one of the many volunteers on the project. Look for a story and additional photographs in Friday’s newspaper.

Roundabout welcome still in the works

November 27, 2009

Bob Hibbert, co-chairman of the Payson Gateway Project with Nancy Cox, moves some gravel around atop the roundabout as other volunteer workers and landscapers work to plant 900 plants and install the irrigation system that will keep those plants alive.

Bob Hibbert, co-chairman of the Payson Gateway Project with Nancy Cox, moves some gravel around atop the roundabout as other volunteer workers and landscapers work to plant 900 plants and install the irrigation system that will keep those plants alive.

Shawn Simmons, landscape consultant for the Gateway Project, programs the irrigation system for the roundabout.

Shawn Simmons, landscape consultant for the Gateway Project, programs the irrigation system for the roundabout.

There has not been much buzz about the roundabout in awhile. Apparently, the unique traffic control system has lost its chatter factor.

As for creating a special Rim Country welcome in the island of the roundabout; that is still in the works. And it is backbreaking work being done by about a half-dozen volunteers.

The group, the Payson Gateway Project, is planting 900 plants and will finish hooking up 900 emitters to water the plants until they become established. Decorative hardscape will be put in the circle island and eventually — if about $60,000 can be raised through donations and grants, an 800-pound bronze elk statue will be placed in the center of it all.

The roundabout project has gone through several incarnations since the idea was launched sometime ago.

In the first few versions, the island was to be landscaped in a natural fashion, with boulders and the elk statue at its center. The current version is just flowers and gravel. The sketch shows no elk.

Jeanie Langham spearheaded the initial drive, but as her schedule became crowded with taking care of her husband’s books, she asked for someone else to take over the direction of the project.

“There were only three of us at the meeting, so Nancy Cox and I were drafted,” said Bob Hibbert, who is now co-chairing with Cox.

Through the years the group has raised money through golf tournaments, raffles and donations. Up through October 2008 the group raised a little more than $20,000. That money was used to buy the plants and irrigation equipment at cost and pay for the assistance of two employees of Simmons Landscaping.

Shawn Simmons, owner of Simmons Landscaping, donated his skills for designing the landscaping the Arizona Department of Transportation has dictated for the roundabout.

ADOT rejected the earlier, naturalized landscape plans, which included trees as well as boulders because they felt the view of motorists in the roundabout would be too obstructed, Hibbert said.

He said he pointed out that it would take about 100 years for the proposed pines to grow big enough to obstruct anything, but it didn’t sway the ADOT officials. The group was told it could have nothing that is more than six inches in diameter once it grew to maturity.

After months of wrangling with ADOT, the committee was told it would have its permit to start landscaping the roundabout in April. The permit did not arrive until September, Hibbert said.

Landscaping the island has not been an easy job, a jack hammer had to be used to dig the holes for the plants and then the volunteers used shovels and iron bars to pry up the rocks that remained.

“It was elbows and knees work,” Hibbert said. Plus they had to wear hard hats and reflective vests.

Eventually the rocks will be hauled away and gravel will be placed.

The committee will monitor the emitters and in the spring, they will start weeding as needed.

Working on the project with Hibbert and Cox have been Cox’s husband, Willard, Peter and Chris Rothenbach, the artist responsible for the elk statue Jim Keller and his wife Connie, Kiwanians Bill Lee and Bob Sanders, Diane Enos, Glenn McCombs, Steve Drury, Elaine Putnam and Noble Collins.

Anyone who would like to help the project with financial support can contact Hibbert at (928) 468-2234.

In spite of everything over the years, Hibbert maintains the project is a labor of love for everyone and a fun thing to do.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Those granddaughters! Eating olives with chopsticks!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Payson Az Roundabout (traffic circle)

Click here to see
What I do for fun (and sore buns)

Actually its to be a bronze elk.

Use your back button to come back here.

Friday, November 20, 2009

National Christmas Tree from Arizona forest comes through Payson
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Friday, November 6, 2009


Fond Memories
Pete, Timmy, Noriko, Dad Lassins and Chris San Diego

we miss you Tomo's family and Dad
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Can we get any luckier?

Can we Get Any Luckier ? Saw a great concert as part of the Tonto Community Concert series...actually the first of this season, the 33rd, were entertained by Chapter Six.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Garden Girls

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home again, home again jiggity jig

Sunset and doggie wash

Sunsets from our lawn
at the Mt. Philo Inn

Teach me how to wash the dog.
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and after

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New York City

We had a brief visit and lunch with our friend Angela in Tarrytown,
Angela dropped us off at the train station and we were on our way into NYC.

It was an easy walk from Grand Central to the W. This is our room. Very comfortable room. We were off to do some exploring. It was so darn hot about all we felt like doing was sitting on a bench in Central Park and watch the people go by. Yes there are plenty of interesting species there.

We picked up a couple of beers and gyros and headed back to air-conditioned comfort. Everything was just fine.

Another quick walk to the theater for our off Broadway musical, Toxic Avenger. We had a riot watching the 4 talented, comedic and diversified actors play a dozen parts EACH. Oh yeah, front row seats and Pete almost caught an overflowing breast! As one of the actresses landed almost upon us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lost and Found

Bye Bye dog and cat. We were on our way from Vt about 20 minutes when I saw Stephanie's (the girl whose house we stayed at in Vermont) cell phone in the car. Soon she rang up and we told her we'd mail it from Saratoga Springs. This delayed us by almost 1/2 hour so we didn't get to Steve and Sue's until after 4:00. We thoroughly enjoyed them. Sue is a selectwoman for Malta, a lovely town south of Saratoga Springs. She is running for supervisor and I'm sure she'll win. They made us feel welcome in their beautiful home and we had a lovely breakfast with them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hey! It's hay

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shelburne Museum


We didn't see everything in this vast Museum even though we spent two days there. It is a collection of collections by Electra Havemeyer Webb. The large open space contains 43 exhibition buildings including a lighthouse, steamboat, railway cars and a one room schoolhouse. Twenty five of the structures were moved here from other sights.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Middlebury College

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Sail away

Storm Cafe

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Around the grounds -- Mt. Philo

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