Believe it or not, Holly made her own dolma which we enjoyed for happy hour. Another walk for Carol and Tuge and Ron and I husked the corn right into their compost inside their very tall-fenced garden.
It wasn't long after our delicious dinner when we were chatting and giggling like 17 year olds when Ron decided it was a good night for an early bed time.
We gave Gail Camplin Apblanalp who lives not far a call around 10:00 and had a fun 5 way conversation. Tim invited us all up for the reunion at their place in Canada for next year. Wasn't that nice? Tried reaching Sparrow, but no answer. Bummer. Chatted online with Chris Giesecke and found out that Fli lives either in Tucson or Phoenix so Holly and I already thinking "REUNION. "

This picture was taken as we said The Girl Scout promise.
Nite Scouts.

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