Reunion Time. We met my childhood friend and Mariner matey, Shirley Tugend Tedford (Tuge) and her guy Don for dinner at the Ice House right at the dock on Lake Champlain. Sitting on the first deck with a view of the boats was a perfect spot to catch up on the last year.
Pete and Don hit it right off both General Dynamic employees at one time. So Tuge and I could talk all things au courant like the logistics for our upcoming slumber party with Hollly Frohnapple Chorba and Carol Keem Jones over in N.Y. Tuge has to work around boat races and Pete and I have a Lobster Fest Saturday night.
The food was grand: appetizer, Prince Edward Island Mussels, Pete and Shirl, scallops, Don, salmon and me crab cake. It was the conversation however that really made the night. Don offered to take us out on his sailboat some evening so now look forward to seeing them again as couples.
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