Started out the morning by picking blueberries at a nearby farm. $2.00 lb. Easy picken', James Taylor music in the background. Looking forward to Pete making a pie with his, large and plumb,
and mine are great for eating out of hand (sweet) and mixed with plain yogurt for my breakfast blast off.

Finally had the nerve to try my camera since it got wet. First picture was hopeful..at least there was some sort of image albeit with a large water puddle on it. By the time we returned home after exploring and stopping at road side stands it was much improved.

We were able to pick up fresh-off-the-farm eggs, zuchini, and from the Hinesburg Farmers' Market a large tomato said to be grown in soil. The highlight of the FM was yummy round brownie-like treats with a mini Reese's cup in the middle. The young baker has only been decorating cakes for about a year but she sure has talent. A full cake with delicate tendrils was only $14. Didn't get a snap of it, but here are her cupcakes. Cute, eh?
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